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Global Investment Management Strategies (Size: 4.7 MB)
The Polygon Investment Process
A brief description of how we do business, our approach to working with clients. (Size: 25 KB)
A brief description of how we do business, our approach to working with clients. (Size: 25 KB)
Shifting Sands: Sovereign Wealth Funds and The Global Economic Crisis, This presentation was delivered at Princeton University, February 4, 2010, at an event sponsored by The Institute for the Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. (Size: 171 KB)
Speeches and Press
Alternative Investments MEED Asset Management Conference, Bahrain (Size: 6.9 MB)
Moving Markets Special Report: Asset Management, Reported by Tom Everett Heath, Middle-East Economic Digest (MEED). Political Concerns and poor conditions in global capital markets are encouraging Arab investors –both institutional and private– to ask difficult questions of the asset management industry that serves them. (Size: 96 KB)
Myths and Realities of Fund Management (Size: 4.7 MB)
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Challenges and Opportunities, This article is based on the text of a speech delivered at Princeton University, February 4, 2010, sponsored by The Institute for the Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, published in Middle East Policy, vol. XVII, no. 2, Summer 2010. (Size: 464 KB)
Winder Leads Schroders into the Gulf (Size: 4.0 MB)